Thursday, March 17, 2011

Guess Who's Back... Back Again.

Blog buddies!

I'm back. I know you all were crying yourselves to sleep and praying for the day of my return. Fret no more my fingers are ready for some blogging. I know it's been way too long but I made a promise to myself that I'll start writing again a couple times a week. So stayed tuned and let's jump right in.

Today seemed like an appropriate day to start blogging again seeing as it's ST PATTY'S DAY! I'm a quarter Irish and having a mother whose half Irish meant St. Patrick's day was always celebrated in our house. Although, it seemed like everyone else around me celebrated too. It wasn't an Irish only celebration. In school green stickers and cupcakes filled the classrooms. This feeling only grew when I went to college in the mother of all St. Patrick's day celebration towns, Boston. Except instead of cupcakes... it was beer.

Since moving to LA it just seems like a holiday that's lost on most people. Today I was met with several sad responses to my Happy St. Patrick's Day.

"It's St. Patrick's Day?"


"Oh. Thanks."

One of my first bosses here even once said "but I'm Jewish". (Please note: I'm half Jewish so this comment completely boggled my mind). It's just not as big of a thing out here. On the east coast it's a celebration of friends, family and fun. I'm sure that the several Irish pubs out here will be packed to the brim tonight. However, I'm also sure if you took a poll of where those people are from... it'll be a landslide for the east coast. I understand that many find it as a holiday for just the Catholic Church and Irish community but that's not how I view it.

I want to have some fun and drink a green beer or maybe even better a guiness tonight! Maybe I'm just stereotypical but this gives me hope that I still have some east coast girl in me. So this first entry back from hiatus the point goes to Southie and I don't mean Texas.

Southie: 2

Bev Hills: 1